Add value to your home with these small improvements
Looking for ways to sell your home to get the highest value? Or just want to spruce up your space to have a smile when you come home? Everyone should love their home, afterall you are paying for it!
Painting your home is one affordable way to liven up a space. Light muted colors bring a tranquil feeling.
Even washing the windows can brighten up a space. I love using a steamer to wash my windows!
Decluttering can also be a way to improve
Decluttering is cost efficient. Other than the price of fuel, it can be started by opening up the closet door and pulling everything out of the closet.
Making three piles to start
1) the Keep pile
2) the donate pile
3) throw away pile
Begin by picking something up and remembering the last time you used it, how the object makes you feel (if it makes you feel anything at all) and how you will use the item in the future. Then put it in the pile that most resembles what you want for yourself. Keep it up with the next item. When the stuff from the closet is sorted, take out the trash first, and then bag the donate stuff. Next look at what you are keeping, is the closet the appropriate place? And how will you put the items back in the closet? Will they hang up? Do you need storage items (bins, shelfing, new hangers etc.)?